The team of investigators
The principal investigator of the project project is the Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava. The project manager is Richard Hrivnák. Other participants are University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica (Department of Biology and Ecology, Faculty of Natural Sciences) and Technical University in Zvolen (Department of Biology and General Ecology, Faculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences). In addition, taxonomic experts from other scientific organizations as well as master and postdoctoral students are involved to contribute on the project.

Ing. Richard Hrivnák, PhD.
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of SciencesDúbravská cesta 14
845 23 Bratislava
He is devoted to the study of vegetation of wetlands (springs, bogs, open water, marshes, wet meadows and marshes), phytocoenology and ecology, as well as the relationship between the distribution, abundance and diversity of macrophytes and environmental conditions. He is also interested in seasonal and annual growth of vegetation or selected species of higher plants. In addition, he is involved in the research of forest vegetation (alder, willow, beech and scree forests) and processes related to overgrowing of grasslands trees.
Most important publications:
- Hrivnák R., Oťaheľová H., Valachovič M., Paľove-Balang P., Kubinská A., 2010: Effect of environmental variables on the aquatic macrophyte composition pattern in streams: a case study from Slovakia. Fundam. Appl. Limnol. 177: 115–124.
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- Oťaheľová H., Oťaheľ J., Pazúr R., Hrivnák R., Valachovič V., 2011: Spatio- temporal changes in land cover and aquatic macrophytes of the Danube floodplain lake. Limnologica 41: 316–324.
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- Svitok M., Hrivnák R., Oťaheľová H., Dúbravková D., Paľove-Balang P., Slobodník V., 2011: The importance of local and regional factors on the vegetation of created wetlands in Central Europe. Wetlands 31: 663–674.
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RNDr. Helena Oťaheľová, CSc.
Institute of Botany, Slovak Academy of SciencesDúbravská cesta 14
845 23 Bratislava
- Her main interests are:
- syntaxonomical processing of aquatic and wetland vegetation (the syntheses have been published in books Plant communities of Slovakia 1 and 3),
- selection and classification of aquatic plants in Slovakia in terms of their rarity and threats (Red Book 5, cooperation in the ministerial regulation No. 24/2003)
- sampling methodology and evaluation of surface waters using macrophytes (Water Framework Directive 2000/60 ES)
- studying the diversity, distribution and dynamics of aquatic and wetland vegetation in relation to relevant environmental factors.
Most important publications:
- Oťaheľová H., Hrivnák R., Valachovič M,. Janauer G.A., 2007: Temporal changes of aquatic macrophytes vegetation in a lowland groundwater feed eutrophic course (Klátovské rameno, Slovakia). Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 76:141–150.
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- Oťaheľová H., Valachovič M., Hrivnák R., 2007: The impact of environmental factors on the distribution pattern of aquatic plants along the Danube River corridor (Slovakia). Limnologica. 37: 290–302.
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- Oťaheľová H., Oťaheľ J., Pazúr R., Hrivnák R., Valachovič M., 2011: Spatio-temporal changes in land cover and aquatic macrophytes of the Danube floodplain lake. Limnologica 41: 316–324.
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RNDr. Judita Kochjarová, CSc.
Botanic garden of Comenius University, BratislavaBlatnica 315
038 15 Blatnica pri Martine
Researcher of the Botanic Garden of Comenius University in Blatnica. Specialization – general: taxonomy of vascular plants, floristry (Carpathians), phytocoenology (selected types of mountain plant communities, aquatic and wetland plant communities). Within the present project she is collecting floristic, phytosociological and ecological field data, floristic documentation (herbarium material), and photo documentation.
Most important publications:
- Hrivnák R., Kochjarová J., Oťaheľová H., 2011: Vegetation of the aquatic and marshland vegetation in the Orava region, including the first record of Potametum alpini, Potametum zizii and Ranunculo-Juncetum bulbosi in the territory of Slovakia. Biologia 66: 626–637.
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- Lihová J., Kochjarová J., Marhold K., 2007: Hybridization between polyploids Cardamine enneaphyllos and C. glanduligera in the West Carpathians: evidence from morphology, pollen fertility and PCR-RFLP patterns. Preslia, Praha 79: 101–125.
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- Kochjarová J., Valachovič M., Bureš P., Mráz P., 2006: The genus Cochlearia L. (Brassicaceae) in the Eastern Carpathians and adjacent area. Bot. J. Linn. Soc. 151: 355–364.
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RNDr. Peter Paľove-Balang, PhD.
Department of BotanyInstitute of Biology and Ecology
Faculty of Science, Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
Mánesova 23
04001 Košice
Plant physiologist with more than 10 years of research experience. His research is focused mainly on income and metabolism of nitrogen, mineral nutrition and the influence of abiotic factors on plants. He has a long-term cooperation with the University in Seville, Spain and the Institute of Botany, Slovak Acedemy of Sciences, Bratislava.
Most important publications:
- Eliašová A., Poracká V., Paľove-Balang P., Imrich J., Repčák M., 2012: Accumulation of Tetra-coumaroyl Spermine in Matricaria chamomilla during Floral Development and Nitrogen Deficiency. Z. Naturforsch. 67c: 58–64.
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- Pavlovkin J., Paľove-Balang P., Kolarovič L., Zelinová V., 2009: Response of Latin-American cultivars of Lotus corniculatus to Al and low pH stresses. J. Plant Physiol. 166: 1479–1487.
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- Márquez A.J., Betti M., García-Calderón M., Paľove-Balang P., Díaz P., Monza J., 2005: Nitrate assimilation in Lotus japonicus. J. Exp. Bot. 56:1729–1739.
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Ing. Ladislav Hamerlík, PhD.
Department of Biology and EcologyFaculty of Natural Sciences of University of Matej Bel
in Banská Bystrica
Tajovského 40
974 01 Banská Bystrica
He is a lecturer at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Matej Bel, Banská Bystrica. He is dedicated to the ecology of alpine and arctic waters with a special taxonomic focus on the Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) as a model group for monitoring past and present changes in freshwater ecosystems and their environment.
Most important publications:
- Johan Striberger J., Björck S., Holmgren S., Hamerlík L., 2012: The sediments of Lake Lögurinn e A unique proxy record of Holocene glacial meltwater variability in eastern Iceland. Quaternary Science Reviews 38: 76–88.
- (Printing of the file is permitted for personal use only.)
- Hamerlík L., Jacobsen D., 2011: Chironomid (Diptera) distribution and diversity in Tibetan streams with different glacial influence. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5: 319–326.
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- Hamerlík L., Brodersen K.P., 2010: Non-biting midges (Diptera: Chironomidae) from fountains of two European cities: micro-scale island biogeography. Aquatic Insects 32: 67–79.
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Ing. Marek Svitok, PhD.
Department of Biology and General EcologyFaculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Technical University in Zvolen
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
He is dedicated to the application of statistical methods in ecological research using different model groups (eg, diatoms, aquatic macrophytes, aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, amphibians and birds). He is also teaching Numerical methods at the Technical University in Zvolen and University of Matej Bel in Banská Bystrica. He is a taxonomic expert of aquatic invertebrates (especially mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera)) in different types of aquatic environments (from dendrotelmata to large rivers).
Most important publications:
- Novikmec M., Svitok M., Kočický D., Šporka F. & Bitušík P. 2013 Surface water temperature and ice cover of Tatra Mountain lakes depends on altitude, topographic shading and bathymetry. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 45: 77-87.
- (Printing of the file is permitted for personal use only.)
- Svitok M., Hrivnák R., Oťaheľová H., Dúbravková D., Paľove-Balang P., Slobodník V., 2011: The importance of local and regional factors on the vegetation of created wetlands in Central Europe. Wetlands 31: 663–674.
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- Bitušík P., Kubovčík V., Štefková E., Appleby P. G., Svitok M., 2009: Subfossil diatoms and chironomids along an altitudinal gradient in the High Tatra Mountain lakes: a multi-proxy record of past environmental trends. Hydrobiologia 631: 65–85.
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Ing. Milan Novikmec, PhD.
Department of Biology and General EcologyFaculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences
Technical University in Zvolen
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
He works as a lecturer at the Faculty of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Technical University in Zvolen. His main research area is the ecology of standing and flowing waters. He has been studying the benthic invertebrate communities of different types of aquatic ecosystems for many years. He is an expert on caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera).
Most important publications:
- Novikmec M., Svitok M., Kočický D., Šporka F. & Bitušík P. 2013 Surface water temperature and ice cover of Tatra Mountain lakes depends on altitude, topographic shading and bathymetry. Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 45: 77-87.
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- Novikmec M., Svitok M., Bulánková E., Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z., Derka T., Halgoš J., Hamerlík L., Illéšová D., Illyová M., Krno I., Lukáš J., Némethová D., Pastuchová Z., Stašiov S., Šporka F., Štefková E., Tirjaková E., Tomajka J., Bitušík P., 2007: Limnology of streams in the Poloniny National Park (the East Carpathians, Slovakia). Technical University in Zvolen, 69 pp.
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- Muotka T., Paavola R., Haapala A., Novikmec M., Laasonen P., 2002: Long-term recovery of stream habitat structure and benthic invertebrate communities from in-stream restoration. Biological Conservation 105: 243–253.
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Ing. Jozef Oboňa
Department of Biology and General EcologyFaculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences of Technical University in Zvolen
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
Pôsobí ako doktorand na Katedre biológie a všeobecnej ekológie TU vo Zvolene. Venuje sa najmä vodným bezstavovcovom extrémnych vodných ekosystémov (fytotelmy, dendrotelmy, pluviotelmy). Taxonomicky sa špecializuje na spoločenstvá dvojkrídlovcov (Diptera). V rámci projektu zabezpečuje spracovanie materiálu bezstavovcov zo skupiny Diptera (excl. Chironomidae).
Most important publications:
- Ježek J., Lukáš J., Kvifte G.M., Oboňa J., 2012: New faunistic records of non-biting moth flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) from the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Klapalekiana 48: 121–126.
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- Oboňa J. & Starý J. 2013. Description of the larva and pupa of Nasiternella regia Riedel, 1914 (Diptera: Pediciidae) from Slovakia, with notes on ecology and behaviour. Biologia 68: 345-350.
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- Oboňa J., Pollet M., Naglis S., 2012: First records of one genus and three species of long-legged flies (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) from Slovakia. Folia faunistica Slovaca 17 (3): 273–274.
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Ing. Miroslav Očadlík
Department of Biology and General EcologyFaculty of Ecological and Environmental Sciences of Technical University in Zvolen
T.G. Masaryka 24
960 53 Zvolen
Od roku 2010 je doktorandom na katedre biológie a všeobecnej ekológie. Zaoberá sa výskumom litorálneho bentosu tatranských plies a pliesok, ktoré sa nachádzajú vo fáze obnovy z acidifikácie. Užšie sa zameriava na skupinu pošvatky (Insecta: Plecoptera).
Most important publications:
- Očadlík M., Svitok M., Novikmec M., Bitušík P., 2012: Comparative invertebrate diversity of alpine lakes and ponds across hierarchical spatial scales. In: Cauchie H. M. & Hoffmann L. (eds.): Little things mean a lot: understanding the role of ponds in a changing world. Programme-Aabstracts. Luxembourg, 4–8 June 2012, p. 38.
- Očadlík M., Svitok M., Novikmec M., Bitušík P., 2012. Porovnávacia diverzita litorálneho makrozoobentosu (α, β, γ) pliesok a plies Vysokých Tatier. In: Čiamporová-Zaťovičová Z. (ed.) XVI. konferencia Slovenskej limnologickej spoločnosti a České limnologické společnosti - Zborník príspevkov, 25.-29. jún 2012, Jasná, p. 123.
- Stoklasa J., Očadlík M., 2009: Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera a Trichoptera Breznického potoka. Acta Facultatis Universitatis Prešoviensis. Folia Oecologica 1: 89–95.

Barbora Klementová
Je študentkou 1.ročníka PhD. štúdia na Katedre biológie a všeobecnej ekológie FEE TU vo Zvolene. Dlhodobejšie sa zaoberá vodnými bzdochami (Heteroptera), ktoré boli aj hlavnou témou jej diplomovej práce. V rámci projektu BIOPOND sa podieľa na terénnych prácach a organizuje „študentskú časť prác“ v laboratóriu. Dizertačnú prácu rieši v rámci projektu BIOPOND, jej témou budú vodné bzdochy - rozšírenie, ekológia, diverzita.

Zuzana Matúšová
Je študentkou 2. ročníka druhého stupňa VŠ štúdia na Fakulte ekológie a environmentalistiky TU vo Zvolene. V rámci bakalárskej práce sa zaoberala vplyvom teploty a svetelného režimu na emergenciu podeniek (Ephemeroptera). V rámci projektu BIOPOND zabezpečuje laboratórne spracovanie materiálu a v diplomovej práci, ktorá bude čiastkovým výstupom z projektu BIOPOND, sa venuje vzťahom medzi diverzitou vodnej vegetácie a diverzitou spoločenstiev vážok (Odonata).

Andrea Zapriháčová
Je študentkou 1.ročníka druhého stupňa VŠ štúdia na Fakulte ekológie a environmentalistiky TU vo Zvolene. Bakalársku prácu vypracovala na tému „Klasifikácia vodných biotopov Poiplia na základe vodných bezstavovcov (Crustacea, Turbellaria, Megaloptera)“. V rámci projektu BIOPOND zabezpečuje laboratórne spracovanie materiálu, v diplomovej práci, ktorá bude čiastkovým výstupom z projektu BIOPOND sa zameria na spracovanie skupín Crustacea, Turbellaria a Hirudinea.

Michal Hlávek
Je študentom 3. ročníka prvého stupňa VŠ štúdia na Fakulte ekológie a environmentalistiky TU vo Zvolene. V rámci bakalárskej práce sa zaoberá zložením spoločenstiev mäkkýšov malých vodných nádrží.

Radovan Stupák
Je študentom 3. ročníka prvého stupňa VŠ štúdia na Fakulte ekológie a environmentalistiky TU vo Zvolene. V rámci bakalárskej práce sa zaoberá spoločenstvami potočníkov (Trichoptera) malých vodných nádrží.

Simona Vojenčiaková
Je študentkou druhého stupňa VŠ štúdia na Fakulte ekológie a environmentalistiky Technickej univerzity vo Zvolene. V rámci projektu BIOPOND zabezpečuje laboratórne spracovanie materiálu, v diplomovej práci, ktorá bude čiastkovým výstupom z projektu sa zameria na determináciu tzv. ostatných dvojkrídlovcov (Diptera excl. Chironomidae)